Monday, September 26, 2011

Today's lesson is really about letting go, letting things happen and letting what will be, be... We all go through life analyzing every little thing, wondering about this and about that and constantly trying to change our situation, to change people around us and to change the outcome before it happens. We focus our time and attention no regretting things of the past and letting it interfere with our future or our current situation and really life is so simple, so very simple. But we as humans make things harder, more complicated and intricate. It's just our nature and our reality. Everything is amped up by 1000% these days, nothing is as it should be, nothing is natural. But I want to let you in on a secret that I have found on life's journey, things really can be as simple as they seem. No one wants to believe this so they twist and pull things in all different directions until what it has become is no longer what it was meant to be.

Why not just let it be; live a simple life, let go of the hurt, the regret of your past, knock on the doors and let opportunity lead the way! For we are not promised tomorrow so let today be your wonderland, enjoy the moments, the smells, the smiles and the laughs, the tears and the fears and see how much lighter your load becomes! Love life, simplified!


  1. ah this almost made me cry <3 exactly what I needed to read right now. :)

  2. Aww this post is just so beautiful! And it is even made more meaningful by the words in the picture! :-)


  3. I loved this! I too needed to read this today:)

  4. The last paragraph says it all - so moving and perfect for me. Thank you!
