Thursday, March 01, 2012

Month of March "Prompt Me" Photo Journey Day 1:

"Prompt Me" Photo Journey Day 1:

Over the next week or so I am going to post "Prompt Me" photos that will hopefully prompt you to go out on a limb and try something new in your life. Studies show that embarking on a new adventure or stepping out of your comfort zone can do a lot for your health as well as promote happiness and change your perspective on life and how you respond to things so feel free to join in the Month of March "Prompt Me" photo journey! I hope you learn something new about yourself!

There are 15 challenges in this journey which will help you to rediscover your passions, renew your life and become just a little bit better than before you started!

Adopt a pet or if you already have a pet, spend some one-on-one time with them. Animals promote inner happiness in humans. Also people with pets have reported an overall higher sense of happiness and tend to have longer lives. 

If you live in a small space, a dorm are just do not have the time or money for a pet then why not try a fish, small bird or a hamster. These all demand little time and commitment. Since I don't promote neglecting animals, I would suggest that if you do not have the time to spend with your pet, try getting a plant then take the next step! Other options: Visit a petting zoo, volunteer at an animal shelter and spend time around the animals, or if all else fails, try a Chai-Pet! 

The glory of this project is that you can take the suggestion I offer or you can interpret the photos however you'd like as long as it falls into some similar situation as the items in the photo. 

Good luck!

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