Monday, March 12, 2012

Month of March "Prompt Me" Photo Journey Day 12:

"Prompt Me" Photo Journy Day 12:

Well so far we have cooked a great meal, started a hobby, got a pet, started reading a new book, planned a brunch with friends, spend the day by ourselves, took a new path and so much more so I hope you’re ready for Day 12's prompt!

With so much you're probably what else can I possibly try or add to my life but admit it, all these new adventures are exciting and somewhere along the way, you've learned something new, told a friend about this journey or have found out what you do and/or don't like! The purpose of this journey is not just to find out more about yourself but also to pick up at least one of these prompts and start doing it long term whether it be cooking dinner a few nights a week, taking an art class over the summer, adapting a pet or whatever, I really hope that your able to continue some part of this journey for the long run!

So without further ado... "Prompt Me" Day 12 is going to be a bit of a challenge for some of you but I'm sure that with a bit of self encouragement you can do it! Today's prompt is to wear something that you've wanted to wear but have not had to guts to do. Please, please don't get fired for wearing a see-through blouse to work or even worse showing up in Economic class in stripper boots and a too low cut dress!

We all have something in our closets that we saw and then bought with every intention of wearing but as time passed, we were never able to find the right occasion, event or time of day to actually wear it so now it just sits in the closet ever hopeful that one day you will finally say "today is your day!"  So why not go for it! Wear that bright red dress to lunch or pull out these sparkly shoes and wear them with an all black suite or skirt and blouse.  No matter what it is, today you will have to guts to pull it off and not care what anyone thinks! Chances are, you'll receive tons of complements!  

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